Hatching Free Range Ideas

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Here’s a short sketcnote video on what you will learn in the upcoming workshop

In Uncategorized on August 25, 2014 at 1:02 pm

Save The Date!!!!! Sketchnoting workshop coming to Austin October 18, 2014

In Uncategorized on August 15, 2014 at 5:44 pm

Sketchnoting workshop coming to Austin
Really and truly. We’re getting another Sketchnoting workshop together. Sketchnoting is the process of recording ideas using images and words.

This is an early announcement to my inner circle. There are a limited number of seats available so I wanted you to have the early notice. The workshop will be held at the Norris Conference Center on October 18th. Registration opens on September 2.

Why do you want to Sketchnote?

1. Sketchnoting allows you to see in new ways

Sketchnoting is innovation – finding new meaning and new learning in listening and drawing. When you Sketchnote, you bypass your internal verbal editor to stretch beyond what is familiar. Ideas have room to play and connect to new ideas.

2. Sketchnotes create strong memories

Images engage deeper memories. Sketchnotes allow you to recall not only what you heard and learned but what you felt, where you were, who you talked to, lots that you didn’t physically record.

3. Sketchnotes are fun

You don’t have to be an artist to get real value out of sketchnoting. Sketchnotes are about communication, not fine art. Draw the same box house you drew as a child. Will someone mistake it for an airplane? Or a cow? I think not.

4. Other people will think you’re really cool.

And you are. Sketchnoting is beginning to enter the mainstream but you still have time to be one of the cool kids.

5. You’ll get better and better and cooler and cooler as you build your skills and your visual vocabulary.

If you want to see what Sketchnotes can become,you can see some great examples from some very accomplished sketchnoters.  http://sketchnotearmy.com/. This can be you!

The workshop

The workshop includes all of the great things you’ve come to expect from our Sketchnoting workshops. This workshop’s emphasis is on building your own personal visual vocabulary using simple images. As you build your vocabulary, your images and your visual thinking skills will become clearer and faster.
In addition to building your visual vocabulary, you’ll learn how to:
  • listen and think in order to come up with images
  • create and use text as a design element
  • draw simple faces and figures that register emotion
  • make it all attractive

You’ll get professional quality materials (a $30 value!!!) that include:

  • A great portable sketchbook that you can take with you
  • A black, fine (.1) felt tip pen for detailed notation
  • A color highlighter for adding shadows and emphasis
  • A smooth writing roller ball (the work horse of my own sketchnote stable)

 Stay tuned. Remember, registration begins September 2.